There I was. At my favourite coffee shop table with my favourite waiters elbowing my favorourite waitresses to serve me. The ‘hollywood’ man of the moment. Fitting me like a nappy. There I was. Sipping coffee like a wine connoisseur. Seeing suddenly two humans at a nearby table. The one a father, I guess. In his later 30’s. Muscled. Like gym lined. On the other side a thin young boy. With the odds clearly against him. The muscled man was talking to the tense boy in agitation. The thin lined boy was trying to explain something. He did not stand a chance. He was bulldozed. But he kept trying to hold his back with some defiance up. I just could not enjoy my coffee and the attention of my waiterly friends any longer. As I passed that table I gave the boy my most heartfelt smile. But he was beyond the outside world. He was clearly jailed by the muscled man with aggravating consequences. I walked into the dark grey light outside the coffee shop. That boy would later follow. But the horizon would be fanning into his lost sorrow. And the clouds would be preparing the fall of raindrops to meet the sadness, the sorrow, of his cheeks. And I, on my way home, would switch my wipers on to gather a clean clear cut view of the road ahead, awaiting my clean clear cut conscious mind. Sometimes even called a sole. Sorry, I mean a soul. Wim